Ko Mak
This is a large island to the south of Ko Chang that is blessed with several beautiful bays and beaches and coral reefs nearby that are still in perfect condition. The islanders make their living by growing rubber and coconut trees. The best time to visit is from November until late April. There are a number of accommodations and tourist facilities available. A passenger boat departs Laem Ngob daily at 3.00 p.m. and returns from Ko Mak at 7.00 a.m., traveling time is 3.5 hours.
Ko Laoya
This wonderful island which is less than 1 kilometer long and 300 meters wide with beautiful beaches, crystal-clear water and colorful corals lies about 3 kilometers west of the southeastern end of Ko Chang. Ko Laoya forms an island group with Ko Laoya Klang and Ko Laoya Nok and is connected to Ko Laoya Klang by a wooden bridge. Travel time from Laem Ngob to the island takes about 2.5 hours and only chartered boats can reach the island. Accommodation is available but must be reserved well in advance.
Ko Kradat
This island is situated to the northeast away from Ko Mak. In the past, the area had an abundance of Kradad trees (paper trees); hence, the name of the island. This island is notable for the fact that it is the only island in Thailand to be issued a land title deed during the period of King Rama V as a measure to protect the island from French colonization. Ko Kradad is famous for its white long sandy beach and wonderful coral reefs.