Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ko Rang

Koh Rang

This small island at the west of Ko Mak does not have enough flat area suitable for setting up of any resorts and bungalows. However, Ko Rung is well known as the location for its birds nest concessions, sea turtle eggs and bat's dung. The main attractions at the island are the stone knolls and the magnificent deep-sea corals.

Ko Phrao

This island situated in front of Salak Petch Bay has clean and calm seas, and is cool and shady with coconut trees. Travel time from Laem Ngob is two hours. Accommodations are available on the island.

Ko Ngam

Koh Ngam

This island is situated southeast of Ko Chang and is comprised of twin mountains linked by huge rocks with a huge sand knoll at the middle. The little bay formed by the lines of the mountain stretching into the sea makes the island a splendid and serene site worth visiting. Accommodations are available.